Monday, January 30, 2012


Has it really been so long?

Interestingly, my last blog entry here was from May 12, 2010.  It even started with "I haven't written in a while."


The irony of the timing of that post doesn't escape me.  I had a serious medical incident only two weeks later, which took me out of work for eight months.  I had to be in a wheelchair for months, then relearn to walk when I was ready.  It was a hard road, and I'm still recovering from it almost two years later.

So much has changed.  I have a new perspective now.  My time is too precious not to be working toward my dream of being a full-time writer.  I've set my mind on it, and now I'm working for what I want.  I'm still suffering through a shitty work environment, but at least I have writing to take my mind off it.  Everything changed while I was gone, and I don't just mean our product.  The people changed.  The environment changed.  A little bit of our dignity died, and I was lucky to avoid some of it.

My wife had an accident while I was out on leave.  At first, it might have seemed somewhat minor.  But it's turned into something much worse that we will struggle with the rest of our lives.  It's taken a toll on her.  It's taken a toll on me.  It's also done the same on our kids and pets.  Her family is oblivious to what's going on.  Not that we haven't tried explaining it to them.  The silver lining to her condition has been bringing the two of us closer together.  I'm more in love with her now than the day I married her.

One of my closest friends seemed to fall off the face of the earth, and I have no idea why.  I say this in mind of the fact that I've come to terms with it now.  But to say it didn't effect me since 2010 would be a lie.  It changed a lot of things for me.  I gave up on people who had given up on me many years ago.

Everything changed since then.

The good news is, I'm in a much better place to follow my dream of being a writer.  I have the desire now to see it through.  It's imperative that something, even small things, change for the better.  And with this, I have some degree of control.  I can change the way things are.

I don't know if anyone even reads this anymore.  I know I don't.  But know this, stranger, I will succeed, despite you, them, or even me.