Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I found out today that I was being demoted down one role at work.

I had been promoted in December.  It was "acting," or temporary, but the company does that to give themselves an "out" if things didn't work out.  Turns out, someone in the same role turned in his notice a month back.  They backfilled his position before he left, and then he changed his mind.  So once he became extra, I became expendable.

Funny enough, he's probably going to leave in a year or less.  In the meantime, I get to "wait" until the next position opens up, which feels much more like a huge middle finger in my face than a guarantee.

If I hadn't been working for this promotion for many years, maybe I could get over it.

Instead, I'm forced to reconsider my eleven year career to start over, or bend over and take it like a good employee.

Hooray for me.