Monday, May 23, 2016

It happens again

Funny how things work.

A year ago, I posted about being demoted at work.

The last three months - that's right, THREE MONTHS - I've been waiting for a promotion at work.

But this isn't what I did in the past, this was a job I'd been waiting years for.  They only made the position in the past six months, but I had suggested an earlier version of it in 2012.

I applied last year, and interviewed, but they held off due to some corporate restructuring that changed who the bosses were and where they were based out of.

When they reopened the position, I was excited to get this over with.  The position was essentually what I was already doing within my own team, but on a larger scale.  I'd be duplicating my success across several offices.  And when I say success, I should mention (with some humility in my heart) that I am the highest person in reporting for this success in twelve states, and as far as I can tell, the whole company (I have no way to check).  By almost triple the best people in the business, and about 50% more than average.

I had lived, breathed, and crapped this metric for many years.  The job was made for me.

I interviewed a second time a month after the first with HR.  And another month later they reopened the job posting to get more people - after they had already launched a whole team of people in the same position across twelve states.  I was automatically applied, but never interviewed again.

And after all the waiting, they gave it to one of the people I've been a mentor to.

And while I was told I wasn't getting the job, I was told it was because I hadn't been doing anything to teach my success to others.


I've taught my own team constantly for years.  I'm the guy who put together a group of like-minded people within the other half-dozen offices in our district.  I'm the one that those people go to with questions on how to do the job.  I'm the one that management asks for help when they need it.  This person?  They've never done anything to teach others.  They don't have the success I've had.  They didn't even apply for the job the first time around.

When I was told why I wasn't being hired, I asked that person what I could do to have won the job over what I've already been doing.  And the person didn't even know about the things I had been doing in preparation for the job.  Hell, they didn't even call my current supervisor.  They took the word of my boss' boss, who was in the interview and supposedly was supporting me for the job, yet I rarely see him.  The person told me they'd look into what I've been doing.  Which told me they hadn't done a damn thing to begin with.

I was fucked from day one.

This isn't the job I lost a year ago.  This is the job I waited more than a decade for.  This is a job I asked for years before they knew they needed it.  This is the job I already do, at least in part.

This was my job.  And they took it from me.

I feel lost.  I feel angry.  I feel like a failure, and a disappointment.  I feel alone in my work.  I feel useless, unappreciated, and misunderstood.

And I thought it was bad last year.

How much longer do I have to wait for someone at work to see my worth?  Because actual, physical results aren't getting me there.