Sunday, September 13, 2009

And so...

So it turns out ANOTHER promotion opportunity came up last week.  I was alerted by my Assistant Lundberg friend that it was happening, so I applied for it that evening.

I have a coworker who used to be an Assistant Lundberg at a different branch.  When the branch closed, they moved the employees who were there to our branch.  They gave that coworker a choice: severant's package, or demotion to a sales position.  He's been with the company for about seven years, and enjoys the environment, so he considered taking the demotion.  It was when he realized he'd make more in commissions and salary than he was as a Lundberg that he took the demotion.  He's a great coworker, a little difficult to work with sometimes - especially when I was an Assistant Lundberg while one of them was out on medical leave - but I can work with him fine.

I had asked him if he was applying for the new position, and he told me he wasn't.  He has other aspirations to move on to our business sales department, and has been working closly with that department for some time to get his foot in the door.

And then, yesterday, everything changed.

Coworker pulled me aside and told me that a former coworker, someone who had been transferred to a different branch when they needed to fill an opening, had applied to the new position.  I was a Lundberg when the need to move someone came up, and we chose this individual because of the negativity he keeps around himself.  He doesn't work well with others, he doesn't work well as part of the overall team, and he has a nasty disdain for the customers we serve.  It was a win for us to move him somewhere else.  And now, he's trying to come back with a promotion.  How his being a Lundberg in our office makes sense is beyond me, but according to my coworker, he has the support of multiple Lundbergs and an employee from sales.  These guys all go golfing together every week, so they're close buds.

Coworker and I agree that working for this former coworker would be a living hell.  And then, coworker told me he applied for the position, too.

Assuring me he was all in support of me getting the position, he told me that with the overwhelming support of Lundbergs, both from our branch and others, there was no way he was willing to chance former coworker getting the promotion over me.  So, with his previous two years as an Assistant Lundberg, he applied for the same title and roll he once had at his previous branch to ensure that he did not have to work for former coworker.

I'm just about fed up with all this shit.  I just can't catch a break, can I?

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