Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Blog is Born

I am a regular blogger. I've seen my blog range between a few family members a week to 60,000 readers in a month. I found that having family and friends read my blog was difficult enough, but having an ex wife and work people reading my blog makes blogging more difficult. I practically stopped blogging because of the lack of anonymity.

I can write voraciously at times. But I find my writing neutered when I can't even complain about something at work without my boss knowing about it, and I can't complain about my ex-wife without causing problems for my kids. So, at the suggestion of my second wife, I've created this blog so I can write with passion instead of writing with worry.

I might bitch about someone. I might praise them. I might say "fuck." I might say "love." The point is, I can write whatever I want.

A few basics:
First, I will change the name of everything. For instance, my name is Mike.
Second, I will simply work for Innotech. I know, it's a lame Office Space reference, but it works.
Third, even my mom's name has been changed. Her name is now Mom.
Fourth, if by some chance you know who I am, either on purpose or by mistake, please please please keep my secret safe. If you were to divulge my identity you would, quite quickly ruin my life. I would lose my job (Innotech searches their employees' blogs every day), I could lose my kids (the court would not look too kindly on me bitching about my ex-wife), and I could lose my sanity (I'm here to get things off my mind). If you've been given the privelage of reading this blog, it's because I need an audience that does not include Mom, Lundberg from work, or my Ex.

I promise to be outspoken and honest. I will not hold back. I will speak my mind (as I used to do so freely). I will write until I can't write any more.

For those of you who stumble upon my blog, please, get the word out. I write to be read as well as to get things off my chest. The more the merrier.

Thank you for reading.

Mike (TRM)


  1. I would love to have a blog that makes me completly anonymous! then I could go off on people who are selfish and only think of themselves and not their children. children are more effected then people realize. I wish certain asshole parents would realize that they are only hurting the kids, by being so selfish and lame assed! I would love it if the asshole could actually see what they are doing to everybody around them... but they can't. they are too absorbed in their in own stupid ass world.

  2. I'm glad to see you blogging again, but I'm concerned that you've stated at the onset the very things that would hold you most liable.

    If you truly want a space to write and share but not be accessible to the public, than lock this down and make sure you send out specific invites. This way, even if someone inadvertently listed this blog in their favorites or links, no one but the invited would be able to view content.

    Be well, Mike. (By the way - that's MY true, given name, had I not been adopted.)
