Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Promotional Note

The promotion I had for three months was the best time I've had with Innotech in five years.  I accomplished much, and didn't have a chance to accomplish more.

An opportunity to get promoted this month to the same position but FULL TIME came up.  I had good conversations with the Bob above my Main Lundberg, and even had a good interview.  But Bob decided to pick someone else instead of me.  Why?

Because Main Lundberg threw me under a bus.

Main Lundberg told Bob that I wasn't good at communicating with the employees.  Main Lunberg couldn't tell the entire office that the building was on fire with soot all over his face, a wicked and smoky cough, and flames coming off of his clothes.  He couldn't motivate a hooker to have sex.  He can't talk to a microphone without it ignoring him.  And somehow, I can't be my own Lundberg because I can't get my message across? And worst of all, am I supposed to learn it from HIM?

So I didn't get the promotion, thanks to my boss.  I've never felt so violated in my life.  I rode on Main Lundberg's coattails for the last couple years hoping that loyalty would pay off.  He got promoted to Assistant Bob just before my interview, and then kicked me in the shin and left me to wallow in pain in his dust.

Thanks, dick.


  1. How are things settling?

  2. I just did a repeat of this very thing except I get to guess as to what the cause was this time.
