Sunday, September 20, 2009

More on Promotion

So we had our interviews for the recently opened assistant manager position.  My coworker who applied to avoid having to work under the former coworker tells me that he was told during his interview that former coworkers withdrew.  Our assumption is that he withdrew when he learned the better coworker had applied.

Initially, I had a reaction that I'd had the rug pulled out from under me.  When coworker told me he'd applied, even though earlier in the week I'd talked to him about it and seemed to have his "blessing" and support, I felt a little screwed.  Despite that, knowing this coworker, I don't doubt that his intentions were honest.  He doesn't play games like some in the Lundberg state of mind, and I can usually trust him to be an honest guy.

Now, I can't help but wonder if his reason for applying was a ruse.  However, I had indicated to a party who also knew of the situation that I was aware of what was going on, and that Lundberg's reaction was genuinely indicative that I had correct information.

Well, since the interviews are done, I can only wait to learn that I did not get the promotion.

I've been a very upbeat guy these last few years.  In the past, I would have taken this situation poorly and fallen into a depression over it.  I had that moment, for sure, but it hasn't lingered.  I've kept myself positive through all this.  But still, I can't help but question myself sometimes.  Is being upbeat a good thing?  Or am I just fooling myself?

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